Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Past Month

I know.. I know... It has been a while...  But there is nothing really nice to talk about...

What did I do this past month?
I just had a scare of my life before thanksgiving.
I had really shortness of breathe and I thought maybe I am just way too fat. But my weight had been constant for the past months that I have been put on steroids. And I should be losing weight now since I am off of it. It wasn't a really big deal but gradually as weeks pass by, I can't even climb the stairs to my apartment. Which was fairly short. I got scared of having the possibility of water in the sac around my lungs. I know it could happen with anyone with lupus. But I was hoping it wouldn't happen to me.
After a few days I have an appointment with my doctor. She advised me that I should, if it ever happens again, that I can't breathe, to go to the ER,  as a precaution. I know I should have. But I thought, I'm going to see her anyway.
And as a precaution, they sent me to the lab so they could take my EKG. EKG came back normal. So they, my rheumatology doctor and the head rheumatology doctor of the hospital, wanted to do a lot of different exams so they could be sure of what is happening to me.
They would want another EKG, an X-ray and an ultrasound of my chest cavity. So, they sent me to the ER.

That ER experience was the worst experience I ever had with any ER. And the worst part of it is what I learned afterwards.

I was wheeled into the ER, from the Out Patient Clinic to the ER, which is fairly far when you are being wheeled. So I got to the ER, to the triage, told the nurse that I was sent here from the rheumatology clinic to see a certain doctor. Got my papers printed out with the doctors name, so that I could take the exam and go. But no one listened. Not a single one if them. Since I wasn't able to take the tests my doctors wanted, they made an appointment for me after one day. Yes, I went to my doctors appointment twice in a week. The head doctor insisted that I do so. I was seen by the doctor who was suppose to see me in the ER and asked me what happened. He told me he went to the ER and looked for me twice. I told him I was there from the time they wheeled me in until 7 at night. He was expecting me to be on one of the beds, which they didn't let me even though I told them I was suppose to meet a doctor their that my rheumies already talked to. The ER nurse told me that they are of different department and since all my vitals are normal, I am nor in eminent danger of dying any moment soon. And here I quote what she said, "you may be waiting for 30 hours and you won't die" My dear friends, specially to the people who aim to be nurses or are nurses, your purpose in the hospital is to help people feel better, may it psychologically or physically, but this kind of remark won't make anyone, even if they are not dying, feel bad. Your words are the only thing that could actually make us, patients, feel better, in any condition we may be in. You may be tired and over worked, but we are in pain, and remarks like this are not tolerable, not even if you have an excuse.

I told my doctor about this, and they are surprised that this happened to me, when earlier in the week, they did that same thing and it was done in less than 5 hours. I guess, I was the lucky one. 

The following appointment, I was seen very early due of a special request, and was seen, taken lab and exams. Everything is normal. They said it was probably due to my removal from Prednisone that caused this.

I am currently on 5mg of Prednisone, which I am doing fine with. And will be weaned off of it soon, I hope. I guess I am more stressed than usual. I have personal problems that I have to deal with too you know. But other than that, all is well. 

I do hope you guys had an awesome Thanksgiving. I had, with family and friends. We had  20 lbs turkey! a 15 lbs ham, mash potatoes, corn on cob and pumpkin pie! :)

This is basically my past month. And I hope I will be able to write on this blog soon. A bit busy recently, the holidays are coming, and I just moved to a new apartment. :)

My EKG, which is normal.