Sunday, October 25, 2015

I guess I'm back to blogging... Again... :)

Yeah, yeah, I know, it's been a while... :) But there are things in life that I need to think and do first, that is more important than blogging.

So... where should I start?

How about let us begin from the very beginning. 

I have Lupus. I found out I have Lupus basically around May 2011, but the doctor I went to first told me that he can't help and I need to go to some other doctor. My complaints at that moment were joint pains, and I have a rash on my face. Yes, I have the malar rash and joint pains. I'm a textbook Lupus patient, right? Unfortunately, I am not aware of what lupus is during that time, and I thought maybe, it is not his specialty, and that I should see a dermatologist instead. Looking back, I wish it was that easy.

I saw another kind of doctor that week, I was jobless, no insurance and sick. I went to a doctor that is same day and walk-ins are acceptable, and you will be seen for $50! That is how Los Angeles was, and that is how I think, everything is still. he gave me a prescription, I do not even know what it was, I know one is a pain reliever, and the other one is probably steroids because I got better after a few weeks,

As fall of 2011 approached, my bad joints came back, and I just decided that maybe it was because of the weather. September 2011, I was popping Aleve like crazy. I need my joint pains gone. But after some time I felt nauseous and started vomiting. I went to the Emergency Room after some time because I can't eat, and every time I put something in my mouth, wait for a few minutes and I started vomiting. Five different times I went to the emergency room and no conclusive cause or reason was given to. Most of the time I was only given something to help with the pain, or make me eat for a few minutes or most a day.

When they can't do anything about it anymore, I was told to just better go to the County Hospital, as they have the best doctor and staff, by reputation. But coming from the Philippines, who also have best doctors in Public hospital, there is something about going to a public hospital that doesn't go down with me. In the Philippines, it usually means crowded, dirty and patients in gurneys in the hallway kind of hospital. But then again, how and why do I even try to compare a third world county hospital to a rich if not the richest country's county hospital.

I was in there and was taken into a bed as soon as 30 mins. This hospital can make you wait for as long as twenty-four hours if they think that your emergency is not really an emergency. I didn't know that then, but I know that now.

I was checked. I was poked and prodded. But what can I do? It was a teaching hospital, so there are a lot of residents that needs to see what patients they might have at their private practice. It was not a good experience, but at least they found out why I kept on puking. I was admitted few minutes after being checked. I was in a room within 2 hours of entering the E.R.

I developed Ascites. It is when the liver leaks liquid to the abdominal or stomach cavity. I did this to myself by taking pain relievers my liver can't handle. And the only thing that could be done to relieve it is a very painful process called paracentesis. Paracentesis is when they drain the stomach cavity of liquid by actually poking it and vacuuming the liquid out. The doctor was very accommodating. Telling me how the procedure will be done and assuring me that it won't be that painful. But of course, he lied. 

The process consists of 3 parts, one is local anesthesia, where they put a numbing agent on the part where they will poke you. The second part is when they inject you, like in the dentist office, anesthesia, to numb the inner muscles in preparation of the needle that will vacuum the water. Third is the actual injecting of the needle that will drain the water from the stomach cavity. And, like in the dentist, it still does hurt.

For those who are more visual, you could actually see the process of paracentesis here. I was only drained 2 liters, which is not that much. Thies pretty much the same thing they did to me, including the ultrasound part of it.

I think I will end this for the moment, check my next blog for what follows after. Thank you!!

Please check this website to learn more about Lupus, and help us find a cure -