Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's done... Not going to be bothered by it...

So finally it pushed through after a long time of asking for it to be done..

I finally have my kidney biopsy done...

I was taking Coumadin for at least 6 mos now, and I was hoping of not taking it for the rest of my life... My INR is finally on good levels recently, (that's what they said) so I am hopeful that it is not for my entire lifetime.

They are holding my Coumadin for now... I hopefully I do not need to take it.

So... At exactly 1:30 pm I was on my belly being ultrasound. So they could find my kidneys. They had to poke my at least 3 times. It sucks knowing a bit of medical terms and it gets frustrating when this medical students do not know cephalic, and caudal means. And it's awesome for them to use adipose instead of fat.

Apparently, my back has too much adipose that they hit that a lot... I get it I am fat OK? Goddammit! I was in the hospital for already 3-4 days and I was already starting to swell up.

It wasn't a fun time. It was numb but i still feel it for some reason, I mean the pressure no pain. It really wasn't a fun time. After the biopsy thing, I had to be on my back for 24 hours, meaning I need to use the bed pan. I do not like bed pans, the are weird. And I really do not like asking someone to help me pee. Why would I want that?? I am a grown woman!! But I got no choice.

Oh well... now that is done... :) results next blog... :))

Friday, September 20, 2013

Help me...***Edit***

I have been going in and out of the hospital this year and I has affected my income like every sick person there is in this world.
But there are always bills to pay and there will be always medical expenses.

It stresses me out more that I have to think about this when I am already in the hospital sick.

If you could help me start an online business, that would be home base, I would really appreciate it.

Please check out the link below and help me... any amount will do. Thank you so much for your time. 

I took this site down, I realize I could do it by myself with my own money and doesn't really need to ask for people's help. But I do have another page for one of my friends' baby. They need money for medical bills, so if you have time to check it out, can you please visit this page.