Tuesday, April 12, 2011

From her body to jocx: "hey you! You're FAT!" PART 1 - Allergies

I think my body is telling me I'm fat. Because

I mean I don't feel it, I still could walk and run (a little). But I have been hurting for 2 weeks now and tried all the home remedy I could do. You see... I am really out of shape, and I got allergies I never had before. Or if I do and don't know about it, it is much worst now that it ever was. I have red, itchy scabbing marks on my face. It looks like from chafing but how could that be??? ON MY FACE??

Well, since I have it on my head/scalp I blame it on the shampoo or conditioner I was using at that moment... SO, I changed it a very expesive (not really worth it) shampoo - Burt's Bees Very Volumizing Pomegranate & Soy Shampoo & Burt's Bees Very Volumizing Pomegranate & Soy Conditioner - and since my face is also affected I decided to buy another product with the same name as my shampoo - Burt's Bees Peach and Willowbark Deep Pore Scrub.

Why Burt's Bees you ask? Because I have done my research, on what usually cause allergies that looks like mine. My allergies is called "Contact Dermatitis", it's when my skin get inflamed by something it has touched  (duh! that's why it's called contact dermatitis). It usually comes from detergents and soaps, so since my main culprit is my shampoo or conditioner, I searched. I found out about something called sodium laureth sulfate (SLS), which is used in shampoo, detergents and stuff like that to make it bubbly. It's not really that bad but if you skin is sensitive, like mine, allergies are bound to happen. So far, Burt's Bees is the only readily available for purchase at any Walgreens, CVS, Target, etc. near you, that doesn't have SLS. I am in search for another, and I have found out that conditioners doesn't have SLS but a lot of chemicals compared to shampoo. Maybe one day I will just make my own shampoo and conditioner...

I am also using Alum once in a while, since it could heal scratches and cuts faster since it's a blood coagulant. Anyway, I use it all the time for my armpits. I bought it from one of those Aztec Medicine People in Alvardo (90057) and he told me I need to use this certain kind of soap will help my skin, and also drink this certain tea that will help me cleanse my blood. Although the soap itself might be doing the trick on clearing my skin, it called Rattlesnake Soap or Jabon de Vivora, which is mainly used to clear up acne, its working, so I don't care what it is made of. So I went to the site and found out I need to put the soap and make a thick lather out of it and keep it on my face for 10 minutes, haven't been doing that so maybe I should try to do it later tonight.

I am still in search of a non-greasy, alcohol-free moisturizer for my face. I am currently using Lubriderm Intense Skin Repair Calming Relief Lotion on my face, it's the only thing that make it less itchy so I don't have to keep putting hyrdocortisone cream on my allergies all day, but it is very heavy on the skin. But it will do, for now...

And so, I think my skin is on its way to recovery, as long as I don't scratch it. Maybe because I am giving importance to it, unlike before where I just wash it with whatever I could grab. It's just so hard to do when you do not really have time and just wants to go to bed as soon as you get home... but I just have to make time.

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