Tuesday, May 15, 2012

100th post - My Latest Lab & Doctor Appointment

I haven't actually wrote anything for so long, because there is nothing new to really to write about. But I know, some of you want to know updates regarding the status of my health.

So here it is... I am getting better.

They, my doctors, think I am on my way.. but of course there is a lot of thing they have to check before they would say I am in a good condition. :) I want to have my babies soon you know.

So last May 4th, I went to my Lab appointment. They took only 2 vials of blood, which means they will be doing only 2 types of test. The thing is, I have to fast for at least 14 hours. I think I ate something bad that didn't quite settle. I ate 2 chicken tamales, and drank 1 ice blend coffee from CBTL. I guess that was a bad call anyway, but I have the biggest craving for a frappe. :)

 Since I haven't ate that much, and was also having side pains, maybe coz I TRIED to exercise but didn't quite follow thru, I puked water the next morning.. My poor baby love couldn't do anything but look at me. But I was alright, it's just a bad choice of food before fasting.

I went to my lab, get my blood work.. drank so much water but they didn't even take urine.. LOL

This is where they took blood, it bruised after 2 days
Which is not a good thing, means the person who took it
is not really that good.
When I get there on my actual appointment date, i just waited and waited and waited. And when my doctor finally see me, all he did was interview me, see if my other doctors are doing something that is not good for me. I told him I am gaining weight, he said that is normal for someone on steroids; he had my blood check for cholesterol and diabetes, which I both don't have. :) He said tons of exercise but not too much.

So I do think I am getting better, well if you think that I am not, do not forget to comment. :)
I am new at this thing, and I haven't actually researched, since I am too busy thinking about what to do with my weight... Just thinking.. LOL

I found out something new too!!! :)
My primary doctor decided to have an ophthalmologist check on my eyes and also I will be having a bone density exam. Apparently, being on steroids for so long could make my bad eyesight worse, or me having a lighter bone density that I am suppose to have.

No new medicine this time, just keep drinking what I have. Will be having an appointment for contraceptives, eye check-up and bone density check. :)

So maybe after that, I might, and 100% say that I am on a road to full recovery.. :)

Wish me luck.. :D

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