Friday, February 27, 2015

Something to Talk About - Reincarnation

Depending on your religion, each and everyone of us have an opinion about life after death... Well, this news video is something else...

Penny for your thoughts??

Friday, February 20, 2015

i did it for the LOLs...

Otter's reaction when getting brain a freeze

A little cuteness to start your Friday!!!!

Seriously.. Can I have this little pet??? I want one... :D
But most likely, if it is not endangered, it is not allowed in California.. **Damn you California Laws!!! ** I can't even have a ferret...

:) thanks to YouTube..

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Made my day... Cat Vs Dog

Hahaha... I can relate.. I used to have lots of cats and dogs before I moved to the US.. .and this is exactly how they are...

If your pets were human.. Cat & Dog

Monday, February 16, 2015

My little heart hurts...

I broke down yesterday... :(
I cried myself to sleep. I cried so hard I didn't even know when I fell asleep.
I should have known and learned it by now not to expect anything from him.
He is the best, at somethings, but he is not a very affectionate person.
Valentine's day just passed me.. nothing from him. Not even a lousy greeting of "Happy Valentine's Day!".
Sucks, because most of the time I blame myself. I blame myself for expecting something, and then when disappointment comes it is because of me. I expected something. Even if I knew, I am not suppose to.  I blame myself for still being here... He is far from perfect, and so am I so I do not expect to find someone perfect, right? That is the most logical thing to do. But no, you know what, there are imperfect beings out there that would, maybe, be imperfectly perfect for me. But I choose to stay... I choose to be here because I love him. I don't think that he doesn't love me back, but I need and want stuff from him. But no, he is not the kind of person who will give you flowers on Valentine's day. Or when the flowers he expected didn't come out as great or even there, he will make a way to get you some. One single flower, that is all I ask.. but NOTHING.

Maybe I am just rambling, ranting or something.. I know soon this feeling will go. But as of this moment, this is what I feel. :( Disappointed and Sad.

I hope the rest of you had a better Valentine's day than I did. Even when you are single.

Friday, February 13, 2015

I'm back... Seriously.. LOL

I am lucky that I choose my blog to be as random as can be... I think it's because of my ADHD... :)

Nah, just because my life is as random as it can be, a little bit skewed, a little bit straight, diagonally inclined... :)

I decided, I'm on facebook most of the time, watching all these beautiful videos worth sharing... why not share it here... I enjoyed watching them why not share it here.. I only got 3 followers but I don't mind..

Personal friend followers are more amazing than random unknown people....

So cheers to you guys.. and please wait for my next post...