Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lupus and cold weather... RANDOM ramblings...

It sucks being sick, I already have Lupus and I will get sick more???
I am already taking steroids.. Which subdues my hyperactive immune system... Which is really bad during this cold and allergy season..

Weather in Los Angeles is not really helpful during this times... But I hope to be better in time for the summer season where I will be fishing and camping and doing outdoorsy stuff (**Note: Buy tons of sunblock)

I have joint pains, stuffy nose and itchy throat... it's not flu, just a random cold.

I went back to 1 pill of Prednisone because of my joint pains, now I'm not sure if my jaw is hurting becuase of a tooth, or it's just another joint pain that is caused by Lupus. The weather is pretty cold... I feel so old because of my sickness.. :( (It rhymes too)

Sometime, my little sense of humor and my boyfriend's sense of humor help me survive this kind of days. I love my baby love... :) he keeps me happy and feel loved all the time... Even when I am on the verge of breaking his head... ** LOL **

I think I am in Love! LOL...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Drinking.. Again... :P

I haven't touched alcohol for quite sometime since I have been diagnosed with lupus. I have researched about my medicines a few months ago like the things I am not suppose to do or don't do while I am taking it. And one of them is Prednisone and Alcohol.

I mean, it's not prohibited, but it would be better if you consume none of it. I do believe that everything done in moderation is ok. Like too much exercise can hurt you but too little or no exercise can hurt you too. :) But, since I am taking at least 20 mg of Prednisone in the beginning of the treatment I decide not to drink at all. :D It's an easy decision, as I am not a heavy drinker.

So last Thursday I just want to try, out of the blue, to drink. :) I choose the B&J Strawberry Daquiri. It's a wine cooler. It's basically water for me before and doesn't even make me drunk. But drinking it for the first time.. It was just weird!! :D

DAY ONE: I feel feverish. Like i feel like I am burning, literally. I asked my boyfriend if it was really hot but he said no, he also said I was red. So there I was, drunk faced but not drunk. :D after one bottle.

DAY TWO: Now day 2 is like normal day. I only drank one bottle but it just did nothing to me. I guess it was just my body wasn't really expecting alcohol. Or the other day was just the first time in months that I drank a bit of alcohol. But this day was different. No burning up, no redness, just sleepy. And that was exactly what I did.

I only did it for 2 days. I am not a drunkie and I do not expect to be one anytime soon. I am still taking Prednisone but only 5mg every day. So, I guess I could really drink once in a while, but not get drunk. I do not want additional side effects to the side effects of the medicines I am already drinking be made worst by alchohol. :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

In process...

I am going to change themes soon... so I could prepare for May... which is Lupus Awareness Month... Their colors are Gold/Yellow and Purple... How appropriate.. I live in Los Angeles and the LA Laker's colors are those... LOL.. Don't really like the Lakers, don't really hate them too... I just don't really care...

Lost interest a while back... But my MOM is a super fan!! :) weird...

AS you might have noticed, my back ground is purple... LOL.. but i am going back to what i really am... which loves black very much... so... wish i could find better backgrounds or else i will be stuck with this for a while... :D

Friday, March 9, 2012

Before and after

Notice that my skin got clearer and the disappearance of a red spot on my left eyebrow (your right).
Also, the dermatitis is becoming flat than bumpy as before. So I think my medicine is working!! :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012