Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lupus and cold weather... RANDOM ramblings...

It sucks being sick, I already have Lupus and I will get sick more???
I am already taking steroids.. Which subdues my hyperactive immune system... Which is really bad during this cold and allergy season..

Weather in Los Angeles is not really helpful during this times... But I hope to be better in time for the summer season where I will be fishing and camping and doing outdoorsy stuff (**Note: Buy tons of sunblock)

I have joint pains, stuffy nose and itchy throat... it's not flu, just a random cold.

I went back to 1 pill of Prednisone because of my joint pains, now I'm not sure if my jaw is hurting becuase of a tooth, or it's just another joint pain that is caused by Lupus. The weather is pretty cold... I feel so old because of my sickness.. :( (It rhymes too)

Sometime, my little sense of humor and my boyfriend's sense of humor help me survive this kind of days. I love my baby love... :) he keeps me happy and feel loved all the time... Even when I am on the verge of breaking his head... ** LOL **

I think I am in Love! LOL...


  1. it's really nice to know that you've got support during the times when you're down. although i may be the independent type, sometimes i wish i have someone to spend my life with. but of course, a single life has also its gifts.

    just pray for me that the right man comes. if not, just pray that i'll have a happy single life. i am praying that you and your baby love will last until death.

    1. i will pray for you not to be single... LOL :) i don't see you being an old hag anyway... hahaha...

      maybe one day you'll meet my baby love.. :) visit us!! k?

  2. I'm 37 and was just diagnosed with LUPUS. I'm having a hard time accepting the fact and would rather try to live without any medications as long as I can. If there is anyone who has LUPUS and chose to live med free, let me here your story Plz

    1. I haven't tried not taking any... I currently have 2 autoimmune disease... I took pain relievers everyday once and ended having ascites.
      I would try organic medicine once my flare up is done.. But as of the moment I am on steroids and other stuff...
