Monday, March 19, 2012

Drinking.. Again... :P

I haven't touched alcohol for quite sometime since I have been diagnosed with lupus. I have researched about my medicines a few months ago like the things I am not suppose to do or don't do while I am taking it. And one of them is Prednisone and Alcohol.

I mean, it's not prohibited, but it would be better if you consume none of it. I do believe that everything done in moderation is ok. Like too much exercise can hurt you but too little or no exercise can hurt you too. :) But, since I am taking at least 20 mg of Prednisone in the beginning of the treatment I decide not to drink at all. :D It's an easy decision, as I am not a heavy drinker.

So last Thursday I just want to try, out of the blue, to drink. :) I choose the B&J Strawberry Daquiri. It's a wine cooler. It's basically water for me before and doesn't even make me drunk. But drinking it for the first time.. It was just weird!! :D

DAY ONE: I feel feverish. Like i feel like I am burning, literally. I asked my boyfriend if it was really hot but he said no, he also said I was red. So there I was, drunk faced but not drunk. :D after one bottle.

DAY TWO: Now day 2 is like normal day. I only drank one bottle but it just did nothing to me. I guess it was just my body wasn't really expecting alcohol. Or the other day was just the first time in months that I drank a bit of alcohol. But this day was different. No burning up, no redness, just sleepy. And that was exactly what I did.

I only did it for 2 days. I am not a drunkie and I do not expect to be one anytime soon. I am still taking Prednisone but only 5mg every day. So, I guess I could really drink once in a while, but not get drunk. I do not want additional side effects to the side effects of the medicines I am already drinking be made worst by alchohol. :)

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