Tuesday, November 3, 2015

On The Brink

I am not really in a good feeling right now. I just do not know what else I need to do to get better...

I am on the brink of depression. I look at all my pills and I am thinking, what did I do wrong? All I did was to make sure that everything I do or did was suppose to make me better. I am in an age where I wanted to have my own family, but I have to put it on hold because of all the things that are happening to me right now. I wanted to have one, even just one for me.

I went to my doctor appointment right now and was told that if I ever have a "baby accident" I might need to terminate it because of all the medicines that I am taking. Do you know how hard that is to swallow, to think that I would be a mother and have a baby, but I can't keep it because it will for sure have complications.

So, as any normal person would do, I put on my brave face and say yes to everything they told me to do. It took a while obviously, to sink in my little coconut. I am not getting younger and I am really really wanting to have a little one of my own. I planned to have one when I was 25, but I lost my job, and the economy was on a really low point that not much people were hiring. From all the stress, I developed lupus and now, here I am, 31 turning 32 in January and still waiting for the right time to have my magical moment of having a little one of my own. It doesn't help having friends having babies for the second time or popping them like popcorns.

I am just on a really low part of my life at the moment. Sorry, I just need to vent.


  1. You are human. I'm a fellow Lupus Warrior and understand. Unless you live the cruelty of this invisible disease...you can't understand it. I wish you relief and peace of mind.

    1. there are days that is just unbearable.. thank you so much, we all need support from each other, we're the only ones who actually understands each other. Again, Thank you.
