Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is near!

Even though I am broke as broke can be, I am happy that a few days more, it's CHRISTMAS!! Yey!
I don't believe in Santa Clause, and still wondering why we are celebrating Jesus Christ's birthday in December when it has been proven scientifically that he was born during the summer. Personally, I don't really care that much.

So, I don't even care if it is the mood swings, the steroids (i bumped up my steroid a few days ago since I wasn't feeling better with 1 tablet of Prednisone) or whatever I am happy right now. :)

It's Christmas!!! Then it's New Year! Then it's my Birthday! Then it's my Papi's Birthday!! Then it's our 4TH Anniversary!!! Yey!!!! :)

So, Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Winter Solstice! don't know what you celebrate! but Happy..... !!!

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