Friday, December 23, 2011

Randomness of our Relationship

I was watching this a few minutes ago.. and I actually wished that I will be able to have a creative proposal one day... But I don't expect, and I don't think I will have one anyway...

My relationship with my boyfriend is actually not your normal kind of start. It first stumbled, turned and fall before we actually got together. It's random. I never had an anniversary to celebrate ever! except for next year, since he already gave me a date to celebrate it. he just gave me a date like 3 months ago, which is a bit hard to celebrate since 23 is before every freaking holiday this time of year. 

But it's ok. I know there will always be next year. :) Which is a few days from now.

To my dearest Love,

I know we will never be "normal" in our relationship, and I love the randomness of it. I may want to traditional and normal kind of relationship but I love just the way you do it. 
We will always be sexy and chubby at the same time. And I love how you "eat" my fingers when I put it in you belly button. I like how you hug me at night even when you are sleeping, and snuggle me and cover me with the blanket even when I can't breathe. I love the way so smile at me which is so unfair coz whatever you do, you just smile at me and I am ok, even when I am angry. :)

I love you with all my heart and half of my brain. And I always hope and hope and hope that you and I will last for a very, very long time.

More love,

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