Thursday, February 2, 2012

Latest news... :)

***Random Blabber***

Last Tuesday, I went to another doctor appointment. Although she really is not insisting of going on exercise more regular that I do, she said I am looking pretty good. :)

I gained a lot of weight, and no, I am not exaggerating... I went from my regular 145 lbs. (which is already heavy) to.. wait for it... 200 lbs!!! Freaking 200 lbs!!! Good lord! Even the nurse can't believe it. She said I don't look like I am 200! Which I think is good and bad at the same time...

Why good? Coz I don't look like I am 200 lbs. Why bad? Coz it means its not water weight... :(( I need to freaking exercise! Not just go to saunas and sweat!! LOL

Oh well.. I miss one of the lab appointment so there wasn't anything to talk about. the Respiratory test was all good. Nothing that tells me I am sick or something.. So that is Good. :)

 All is good. Still expecting the letter from the gynecologist so I could have my contraceptives. I don't think I would like to do that, but the doctors need that I have 0% chance of getting pregnant. Which is I guess fine. Oh well.. :(

Will be going to another dermatology appointment in a few weeks, so hopefully they could give me something for my face! my face is all bumpy and red!!! it sucks...

But the bottom line is, I am getting better and that's what counts!!

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