Friday, February 4, 2011

It's Valentines Day!!!!! Almost...

It's February. And hearts day is about to come up very soon. :)
I am not one for surprises because I hate it.
And my baby's birthday is on the 13th. Yes, day before valentines day.
With all these in mind, guess what I will do?? I will be celebrating on Saturday the 12th. It will be too crowded on 14th to go out. I can't drink on the 13th because it's a workday the next day. And I believe, unless you are proposing or something, it is nice to have a planned valentines day.

I used to hate valentines day. It's usually the day when I am left alone. I don't date anyone before. Like an old hag waiting for her prince charming that never came. Until I realize my Prince Charming is not in my home country, or the same race as I am. There is a happily ever after after all... lol.

WELL, Advance Happy Birthday Mi Amor! and Advance Happy Valentines Day too!!

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