Thursday, September 29, 2011

it's not always good to end...

I think I will be changing the description of my blog pretty soon... for right now, I have something more important than the randomness in my blog.

I have Lupus, and its very important to approach this matter head on. I just realize that not a lot of people know about Lupus. Yesterday, I went back to work. I told some people that I have Lupus, most of them would reply what is that? What kind of disease is that?

I think now I know my purpose, God doesn't give us problems we couldn't handle. He gave this to me because I am strong and I could do something better about this. I think I have this blog, and this ability to write (even with a few grammatical errors) to let a whole lot people, of my generation, that there is some disease called Lupus, which is weird and doesn't even have a cure, or known cause why people have it.

For a disease to be so unknown, means its getting a little help. But this is real, this affects a lot of women... it is affecting me and it might affect you.

I'm sorry, but maybe this random blog needs to end, and my Journey with Lupus will begin...

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