Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday After Thanksgiving

So today is the Saturday after Thanksgiving. There is still dishes in the sink waiting to be washed. And there are still left over turkey and ham at the table waiting to be sliced a re-cooked of another meal. Yes, I re-cook ham and turkey, like in a omelet or something. I do not waste anything, as you shouldn't waste anything as well, for there will be a day that you will think, damn, I shouldn't have wasted that food. LOL

well, yeah, I don't waste anything. I just realized yesterday that most of the Filipino food that I could cook is usually or could be cooked using left over stuff. The best example of it, Sopas. You could put anything in sopas. Like  my leftover turkey. My sister brought one of his friends yesterday, i don't even know he was coming. So the only thing i could cook, in a little time is sopas. I have a few cabbage in the fridge, carrots, and my thanksgiving dinner turkey and ham.

So here is all you need.

  • soup pan
  • cabbage
  • carrots (cut into slices or shredded)
  • chicken, turkey cooked and shredded (that's leftovers are the best)
  • sausages or ham (yes, leftover ham, i put leftover ham)
  • either chicken cubes, or chicken broth just if it doesn't have that broth taste
  • of course water
  • pasta, macaroni pasta is the best, they don't go really soggy after a while
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • milk (optional)
  1. put the pasta and water in the soup pan and cook until it al dente (i don't even know what al dente is actually is)
  2. when the pasta is all done, or is boiling put in everything else yes, every thing else. I don't really like vegetables and the i only eat them when they are in my pancit (filipino chow mein) or in sopas, just coz I am to lazy to fish them out of it. In doing this, all my vegetables seems like pre-chewed or is really soft that i don't need to taste them at all. Don't forget to put salt and pepper.
  3. If it doesn't really taste or have that chicken broth taste, you could put a little chicken cube. but if you don't need don't put it. 
  4. when all is soft and done, put a little bit of milk if you want it creamy but really doesn't matter. mix it a but and put it out of the heat and tada. easy, sopas. :)
this is like the only thing i could cook really good. coz i could leave it and it could cook by itself, this and adobo. :)