Tuesday, February 22, 2011

BlogWorld Expo Leaves Las Vegas For LA « CBS Los Angeles

BlogWorld Expo Leaves Las Vegas For LA « CBS Los Angeles

Do you think i could be part of this even though I am just new and trying this blog thing out??
I have been MIA for a few days now, still adjusting to the schedule since Spring semester just started.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


If there are 14 people who has viewed my page and i only have 1 page view... isn't that weird?
I know I suck at math but I don't think that adds up...

I won!!!

Me and my Baby usually have random fights because we always try to outsmart each other. I usually end up losing and angry... **I am such a sore loser** But yesterday was my glowing moment...

O: I'm so awesome I'm going to have an alienware laptop!!!
J: I'm so awesome I have the Samsung Tab and I'm going to have an alienware laptop!!
O: Oh yeah? I'm so awesome I have the Galaxy S phone, a huge HDTV and an HDMI DVD Player and an Alienware laptop!!!
J: Oh yeah? I'm more awesome coz I have all of that coz I have you!
O: **smile** that's good!

It's not that hard to be cheesy... lol

6 more days till Valentines Day!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

A quick reminder from Frank...

I forgot that since my inspiration for actually writing a blog is from a movie based on blogging about cooking. Maybe, I should write some stuff about cooking sometime... :)

Thanks Frank for reminding me about it...

Up next (like tomorrow or the day after) my very first Meatloaf from a recipe from Cooks.com

I miss...

I don't know exactly when it was but I think it was last Saturday, Philippine time, that I miss what would have been the most spectacular thing I would have seen after 10 years!!! It was our homecoming for Old Girls of Assumption-Antipolo. I miss that place. :( unfortunately, like some other people including my teachers from long ago, we are on the other part of the world. Maybe a few years from now, I will be home for a reunion again, even for a small one.

Go Batch '01

I will try not to miss another one!! :)

video taken from bbatayde's channel on YouTube

Weekend off...

I usually do not and try as much as I can not to use the PC during the weekends.Since if I do, I usually waste precious time. And I do mean precious time. I tend not to do the things I should have done.

Weekend Recap.

Last Saturday was suppose to be our friend Adrian, last day in LA. So we ate at Sizzlers. My first time. Amazingly my first time even though I leave only a few blocks away from one. It was suppose to be the last breakfast with Adrian. He would have left for Iraq today if he only has his military ID. I don't know what happened, but we are happy to know that he has a one day extension. So he will be leaving tomorrow. I won't be able to see him since he will be staying at his mom's tonight and I have a class until 9 pm today. All I can say is, Good Luck soldier, and do not die on us!

Last Sunday is the most awaited Super Bowl XLV. That is 45 in roman numerals for those of you who do not know. :) And as my tradition for the last 2 or 3 years I have been watching the super bowl, I choose the team with the best Team Logo. And yes, I choose the Pittsburgh Steelers. Alas, they loss, 25 - 31 against the Green Bay Packers, who amazingly intercepts the ball and made touchdown.


Today is my first day of school for spring semester. Hopefully, I was able to get the right teachers, so I do not have to drop a single one of them. I am also hoping to be able to add a PE subject so I could at least be able to exercise. Since I have to, I should. LOL. Lazy fat ass to exercise. Hehehe.

That is for today. :) Maybe I will start ranting the next blog so it won't be too boring.

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's Valentines Day!!!!! Almost...

It's February. And hearts day is about to come up very soon. :)
I am not one for surprises because I hate it.
And my baby's birthday is on the 13th. Yes, day before valentines day.
With all these in mind, guess what I will do?? I will be celebrating on Saturday the 12th. It will be too crowded on 14th to go out. I can't drink on the 13th because it's a workday the next day. And I believe, unless you are proposing or something, it is nice to have a planned valentines day.

I used to hate valentines day. It's usually the day when I am left alone. I don't date anyone before. Like an old hag waiting for her prince charming that never came. Until I realize my Prince Charming is not in my home country, or the same race as I am. There is a happily ever after after all... lol.

WELL, Advance Happy Birthday Mi Amor! and Advance Happy Valentines Day too!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's a start..

I am at the 14th Floor of a Downtown LA Building.
I feel earthquakes every 10 minutes depending on how busy the shipping company upstairs is.
And regularly, if I am not doing anything, just sitting in my chair, I could feel earthquakes every 15 minutes because the foundation of the building with those roller balls that will help the building to acquire any damage when a real earthquake happens, is near a rail way station.
It's not funny... I already hate earthquakes before all this.

Note: Remember to learn how to do squirrel gliding and bring squirrel suite in office.
Might as well jump from here and survive.