Friday, December 23, 2011

Randomness of our Relationship

I was watching this a few minutes ago.. and I actually wished that I will be able to have a creative proposal one day... But I don't expect, and I don't think I will have one anyway...

My relationship with my boyfriend is actually not your normal kind of start. It first stumbled, turned and fall before we actually got together. It's random. I never had an anniversary to celebrate ever! except for next year, since he already gave me a date to celebrate it. he just gave me a date like 3 months ago, which is a bit hard to celebrate since 23 is before every freaking holiday this time of year. 

But it's ok. I know there will always be next year. :) Which is a few days from now.

To my dearest Love,

I know we will never be "normal" in our relationship, and I love the randomness of it. I may want to traditional and normal kind of relationship but I love just the way you do it. 
We will always be sexy and chubby at the same time. And I love how you "eat" my fingers when I put it in you belly button. I like how you hug me at night even when you are sleeping, and snuggle me and cover me with the blanket even when I can't breathe. I love the way so smile at me which is so unfair coz whatever you do, you just smile at me and I am ok, even when I am angry. :)

I love you with all my heart and half of my brain. And I always hope and hope and hope that you and I will last for a very, very long time.

More love,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dec 22... I hate YOU!

Every year on this day, I think about YOU!

Not because of a heartache, but of a friendship that ended without me even knowing.


Yes, every year. I think and think and think about YOU.

YOU are a freaking asshole you know, you could just tell me what I did and why you never ever ever again talk to me. We were friends! We were awesome! I don't freaking understand! I never had a chance to explain for I never even knew your reason.

This will hunt me to my grave. Seriously. But I have to suffer. Why? Because I will never ever have the courage, nor I will ever have a chance to talk to you. 

OMG I HATE YOU! But I liked you once.

You suck! :(


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is near!

Even though I am broke as broke can be, I am happy that a few days more, it's CHRISTMAS!! Yey!
I don't believe in Santa Clause, and still wondering why we are celebrating Jesus Christ's birthday in December when it has been proven scientifically that he was born during the summer. Personally, I don't really care that much.

So, I don't even care if it is the mood swings, the steroids (i bumped up my steroid a few days ago since I wasn't feeling better with 1 tablet of Prednisone) or whatever I am happy right now. :)

It's Christmas!!! Then it's New Year! Then it's my Birthday! Then it's my Papi's Birthday!! Then it's our 4TH Anniversary!!! Yey!!!! :)

So, Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Winter Solstice! don't know what you celebrate! but Happy..... !!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas... and more photo ops to come...

It's a few days before Christmas, and my rashes are still there. It  really sucks when you have psoriasis at the same time you have lupus. I am still taking Prednisone, and taking a topical ointment that has steroids for my body psoriasis, and another topical steroid ointment for my face... ugh! I HAVE SO MANY STEROID THING  I WILL TURN TO A SHE-HULK SOON! But I don't actually mind being she-hulk, she is pretty hot even with green skin. :)

So, I am wishing that by Christmas, the redness of my rashes will be gone. Even only for that day. Oh well, this is my life now, I just need to accept and live it.

this is she-hulk, click to go to wiki for description
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! maybe I will post of our food if we have some.. LOL

Thursday, December 8, 2011

LUPUS HAIR.. part 2

You see, it's actually cool.. it's like crazy little bangs all over my head. If I am a boy, I prolly could pull it off..  But I'm not, it's way too short for me so I'm waiting for it patiently to grow longer, and I cut my longer hair shorter monthly so they (my baby hair and my longer hair) could meet up in the middle one day... :)

I miss my hair.. It was really long, I didn't cut it for 3 years.. then I got sick.. :(

Oh well.. Life...

Why don't I feel any better?

I don't know why but I feel really bad today.

Maybe it's the cold, the makes my knees a lil bit in pain right now, or all the walking up and down the hill with my papi and George yesterday. I also have a cold today. And is still sleepy (I slept around 2, I drank Starbucks' Caramel Brulee yesterday at night).

But I should have been feeling better, I should have. My doctor told me that my blood count is going back to normal, which means my immune system is not as hyperactive as it is in Lupus.

I have freaking pimples as big as the Sierra Madres! And my hair doesn't grow long, like my finger and toe nails too!! UGGHHHH!!!


I could forever rant, but I guess I just don't have a lot of time for it. I am happy and lucky that I have my parents, my bf and my bf's parents supporting me and loving we despite my ups and downs.

I can't fight Lupus, it's not like any disease that attacks your system that when you win the fight it just leaves you. Lupus is here to stay, like an annoying in law that some of you have, you just have to deal and live with it.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Why does Lupus medicine who affects women, most of the time, cause women to look less of a woman?

Why lupus sucks?
Let me count the ways..
  1. it's a chronic disease
  2. it affects women most of the time
  3. it affects around the age of puberty and before menopause
  4. your childbearing years are cut short because you have to deal with Lupus most of the tim
  5. your medicine cause constipation, diarrhea, pimples and weight gain (really, weight gain and pimples???)
  6. your hair starts falling off and baby hair grows, but they stay baby hair most of the time (in my previous post, check out my lupus hair, looks like a  mohawk or new born baby hair it stands on its end most of the time)
  7. it gives you facial rashes (i already have humongous pimple man!!!)
 that is all i could think of right now tho.. maybe soon i will have some more...


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday awake at 4am

So I woke up randomly today at 4 am.

I just woke up.. then my friend text me asking for help for her new blog. So, I did. and I haven't slept since. So, i think you guys need to check out her blog and help her with her dilemma. It's very simple but I myself draw blank. So my dear viewers, friends and followers (i don't think i have one tho) go to her blog and read her first post. :)

it has mature content so you have to be 18 y.o. and above! thanks dearies! :)