Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rain Pain. :(

It's cold today in Los Angeles. And my belly is hurting. I am not sure that there is a connection but I think the puncture that I have on my belly, when they drained the fluid out, is hurting me a little. It might be healing but it is like poking me right now. :( But not a lot, bearable. Hohumm.. So many things I don't understand, so many things to learn. And I need to learn them fast too!

Living life is hard already. Living life with Lupus, is harder. So be thankful y'all! Because you are well and fine. I am thankful because even though I have lupus, I am ok, and will be ok! :D

It's cold out there, bundle up and make sure you keep yourselves warm! HAPPY HUMP DAY!
Doc's appointment in LAC-USC tomorrow. Wonder how long they will be keeping me there. Sucks! I think I will be getting more tests again... Sheeshh!! When will be the blood and urine taking stop!!!

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