Friday, December 23, 2011

Randomness of our Relationship

I was watching this a few minutes ago.. and I actually wished that I will be able to have a creative proposal one day... But I don't expect, and I don't think I will have one anyway...

My relationship with my boyfriend is actually not your normal kind of start. It first stumbled, turned and fall before we actually got together. It's random. I never had an anniversary to celebrate ever! except for next year, since he already gave me a date to celebrate it. he just gave me a date like 3 months ago, which is a bit hard to celebrate since 23 is before every freaking holiday this time of year. 

But it's ok. I know there will always be next year. :) Which is a few days from now.

To my dearest Love,

I know we will never be "normal" in our relationship, and I love the randomness of it. I may want to traditional and normal kind of relationship but I love just the way you do it. 
We will always be sexy and chubby at the same time. And I love how you "eat" my fingers when I put it in you belly button. I like how you hug me at night even when you are sleeping, and snuggle me and cover me with the blanket even when I can't breathe. I love the way so smile at me which is so unfair coz whatever you do, you just smile at me and I am ok, even when I am angry. :)

I love you with all my heart and half of my brain. And I always hope and hope and hope that you and I will last for a very, very long time.

More love,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dec 22... I hate YOU!

Every year on this day, I think about YOU!

Not because of a heartache, but of a friendship that ended without me even knowing.


Yes, every year. I think and think and think about YOU.

YOU are a freaking asshole you know, you could just tell me what I did and why you never ever ever again talk to me. We were friends! We were awesome! I don't freaking understand! I never had a chance to explain for I never even knew your reason.

This will hunt me to my grave. Seriously. But I have to suffer. Why? Because I will never ever have the courage, nor I will ever have a chance to talk to you. 

OMG I HATE YOU! But I liked you once.

You suck! :(


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is near!

Even though I am broke as broke can be, I am happy that a few days more, it's CHRISTMAS!! Yey!
I don't believe in Santa Clause, and still wondering why we are celebrating Jesus Christ's birthday in December when it has been proven scientifically that he was born during the summer. Personally, I don't really care that much.

So, I don't even care if it is the mood swings, the steroids (i bumped up my steroid a few days ago since I wasn't feeling better with 1 tablet of Prednisone) or whatever I am happy right now. :)

It's Christmas!!! Then it's New Year! Then it's my Birthday! Then it's my Papi's Birthday!! Then it's our 4TH Anniversary!!! Yey!!!! :)

So, Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Winter Solstice! don't know what you celebrate! but Happy..... !!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas... and more photo ops to come...

It's a few days before Christmas, and my rashes are still there. It  really sucks when you have psoriasis at the same time you have lupus. I am still taking Prednisone, and taking a topical ointment that has steroids for my body psoriasis, and another topical steroid ointment for my face... ugh! I HAVE SO MANY STEROID THING  I WILL TURN TO A SHE-HULK SOON! But I don't actually mind being she-hulk, she is pretty hot even with green skin. :)

So, I am wishing that by Christmas, the redness of my rashes will be gone. Even only for that day. Oh well, this is my life now, I just need to accept and live it.

this is she-hulk, click to go to wiki for description
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! maybe I will post of our food if we have some.. LOL

Thursday, December 8, 2011

LUPUS HAIR.. part 2

You see, it's actually cool.. it's like crazy little bangs all over my head. If I am a boy, I prolly could pull it off..  But I'm not, it's way too short for me so I'm waiting for it patiently to grow longer, and I cut my longer hair shorter monthly so they (my baby hair and my longer hair) could meet up in the middle one day... :)

I miss my hair.. It was really long, I didn't cut it for 3 years.. then I got sick.. :(

Oh well.. Life...

Why don't I feel any better?

I don't know why but I feel really bad today.

Maybe it's the cold, the makes my knees a lil bit in pain right now, or all the walking up and down the hill with my papi and George yesterday. I also have a cold today. And is still sleepy (I slept around 2, I drank Starbucks' Caramel Brulee yesterday at night).

But I should have been feeling better, I should have. My doctor told me that my blood count is going back to normal, which means my immune system is not as hyperactive as it is in Lupus.

I have freaking pimples as big as the Sierra Madres! And my hair doesn't grow long, like my finger and toe nails too!! UGGHHHH!!!


I could forever rant, but I guess I just don't have a lot of time for it. I am happy and lucky that I have my parents, my bf and my bf's parents supporting me and loving we despite my ups and downs.

I can't fight Lupus, it's not like any disease that attacks your system that when you win the fight it just leaves you. Lupus is here to stay, like an annoying in law that some of you have, you just have to deal and live with it.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Why does Lupus medicine who affects women, most of the time, cause women to look less of a woman?

Why lupus sucks?
Let me count the ways..
  1. it's a chronic disease
  2. it affects women most of the time
  3. it affects around the age of puberty and before menopause
  4. your childbearing years are cut short because you have to deal with Lupus most of the tim
  5. your medicine cause constipation, diarrhea, pimples and weight gain (really, weight gain and pimples???)
  6. your hair starts falling off and baby hair grows, but they stay baby hair most of the time (in my previous post, check out my lupus hair, looks like a  mohawk or new born baby hair it stands on its end most of the time)
  7. it gives you facial rashes (i already have humongous pimple man!!!)
 that is all i could think of right now tho.. maybe soon i will have some more...


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday awake at 4am

So I woke up randomly today at 4 am.

I just woke up.. then my friend text me asking for help for her new blog. So, I did. and I haven't slept since. So, i think you guys need to check out her blog and help her with her dilemma. It's very simple but I myself draw blank. So my dear viewers, friends and followers (i don't think i have one tho) go to her blog and read her first post. :)

it has mature content so you have to be 18 y.o. and above! thanks dearies! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Filipino Champorado - I tried...

I had a craving the other day and they were selling Abuelita's cheap... so I tried making Filipino Champorado without the "malagkit" rice... it taste good, but the texture is bit different since regular rice is hard...

So here is what I use...

  1. 1 cup of regular rice instead of "malagkit" (glutinous rice)
  2. Nestle's Abuelita chocolate 
  3. Evaporated Milk, doesn't really matter what brand
  4. Sugar to sweeten

1. Glutinous rice (malagkit na bigas)
2. Nestle Abuelita Chocolate Mix
So first I tried cooking the rice, mixing it every time so it won't stick in the bottom, I add more water so the rice will get fatter and softer and soggier that usual. It's a bit like cooking rice but putting more water whenever it's about to boil. When I think the rice is soft enough I melt one circle thing of Abuelita. And mix it until it melt, and the entire thing is chocolaty. Abuelita is a bit different compare to the cacao that is usually used with the Filipino Champorado, this has a bit of cinnamon I think and already a bit sweet. But I still put a little bit of Sugar. Serve it warm or cold doesn't matter, I don't even know if its a desert or regular food like on breakfast. 

I know, I know, it won't even taste half as good as the real thing but hey, I was craving for it, I got it and now I'm happy. BTW, i just research how to cook it on line too, and I didn't turn out that bad... :)

Sooooooo... I'm happy... :D do try it if you want... but i was happy and that is all i wanted... happy times!!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday After Thanksgiving

So today is the Saturday after Thanksgiving. There is still dishes in the sink waiting to be washed. And there are still left over turkey and ham at the table waiting to be sliced a re-cooked of another meal. Yes, I re-cook ham and turkey, like in a omelet or something. I do not waste anything, as you shouldn't waste anything as well, for there will be a day that you will think, damn, I shouldn't have wasted that food. LOL

well, yeah, I don't waste anything. I just realized yesterday that most of the Filipino food that I could cook is usually or could be cooked using left over stuff. The best example of it, Sopas. You could put anything in sopas. Like  my leftover turkey. My sister brought one of his friends yesterday, i don't even know he was coming. So the only thing i could cook, in a little time is sopas. I have a few cabbage in the fridge, carrots, and my thanksgiving dinner turkey and ham.

So here is all you need.

  • soup pan
  • cabbage
  • carrots (cut into slices or shredded)
  • chicken, turkey cooked and shredded (that's leftovers are the best)
  • sausages or ham (yes, leftover ham, i put leftover ham)
  • either chicken cubes, or chicken broth just if it doesn't have that broth taste
  • of course water
  • pasta, macaroni pasta is the best, they don't go really soggy after a while
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • milk (optional)
  1. put the pasta and water in the soup pan and cook until it al dente (i don't even know what al dente is actually is)
  2. when the pasta is all done, or is boiling put in everything else yes, every thing else. I don't really like vegetables and the i only eat them when they are in my pancit (filipino chow mein) or in sopas, just coz I am to lazy to fish them out of it. In doing this, all my vegetables seems like pre-chewed or is really soft that i don't need to taste them at all. Don't forget to put salt and pepper.
  3. If it doesn't really taste or have that chicken broth taste, you could put a little chicken cube. but if you don't need don't put it. 
  4. when all is soft and done, put a little bit of milk if you want it creamy but really doesn't matter. mix it a but and put it out of the heat and tada. easy, sopas. :)
this is like the only thing i could cook really good. coz i could leave it and it could cook by itself, this and adobo. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pulmonary Function Test

So, I had my first ever PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). Which I waited to be registered for 1 hour and when I went at the registration desk, I sat down, gave my ID, got my ID and left. About less than a minute and I was out of the registration thing.

Then I went to look for the room, which without my minute knowledge of medical terms and body part, won't be able to find. Got there gave them my papers and sat down. In less than a minute I was already with my doctor, getting my vital signs... and guess what I found out?!? I am a bout an inch less that I thought I was!!!
He told me I was only 5'4!! what the efff!!!

When all of those are done. We went to the respiratory room. My god, I didn't know it will be that hard to do that test? I mean, how hard could breathing be, right??

But damn! Those force breathing exercises! It's hard!!! You have to do this, you have to do that.. Luckily, My doctor, Michael, was funny. He tells me jokes while we wait for the machine to set up and restart. I should have asked for my pink nose clip though. And take stupid pictures of me with my mouth piece and nose clip but to shy to ask him. hehehe

have to end this. need to go to next appointment.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

1 week...

It's been a week since my last blog. I think I am getting lazy since it "sleeping" weather. It's Fall people. And it's a good weather to sleep, have soup or cuddle up. I have been down lately too. I haven't seen any other changes in my body. In fact, I am getting fat, always hungry and my facial rashes had been back since I was on my period a month ago. And now, in a few days, I will be having it again and I am wondering if it (my rashes) will get worst or better.

Sucks about having a hormonal disease is my hormones change every month since I get my period every month. It SUCKS!! Big time. But can I do anything about it?!? NO!! I just have to accept. Suffer silently, and enjoy every waking moment of no pain.

Sucks to be sick. So the rest of you, enjoy every moment. And don't judge if we (chronic illness sufferers) look fine. We are not fine. We just cope better than others.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My lupus hair

See my hair... It's growing... And I hope I'll be able to grow it long like before...

You see my rashes too?!? They're back... They got worse after my period... 

But it's ok... I will survive...

*** you guys should take a look at my profile picture... That was 3 years ago.. never cut my hair until it started falling off about 6 months ago... :( it will be back soon... I hope...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Been out of the Loop

So, I haven't been blogging a lot recently. I just have a lot of things to do to get my life back on track...
Waking up early, checking on everything is ok.. Trying to budget my money... and stuff like that.
One day, I will be living the life I wanted. The one I deserve and the one I will have!!

Good life and good health here I come!!! :) STRESS FREE!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

How long will you last?

Have you ever questioned your own mortality? How many more hours, minutes and seconds do you have on this earth.

My cousin just died a few days ago... I still can't accept it that he is gone. We grew up together, he is my older brother. He took care of me a few times, he is my Kuya. He may not be the best person out there but far as I know, he is the best older brother/cousin

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Too much Nachos...

I blame everything on the nachos. I have this addiction to nachos. And the little bit spice cheese is awesome.
Last Monday, I think, I got my boiling point and started getting sick. I don't actually think that it's because of the nachos. Maybe the monster or something. But i got really sick, I started puking and thrown up all the good food I ate.

This lupus thing sucks. I have to take care of what I eat. I have to make sure I drink all my medicine. I need to do a lot of things that I don't usually do. It sucks! I hate it!! It's no fun!!!

I wish my sickness be gone!!!!! I also wish it is that easy.. But it is not... I am getting more fatigued every day too.. I don't understand it...

So maybe I should get to do research again... Just to clear my mind and learn more about this.. UGH LUPUS!! WHY ME?!?!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Need to fix my blog...

I want my blog to be more personal...
I want it to be more like me than just getting something out of the usual blogs...
I am not your usual girl... And I am more than what people think of me...
I think, while I have a lot of free time in the world, I will study HTML codes too... :) maybe there will be some improvement in my blog... :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Oh how I miss you...

I know, I know, it's been 3 days... the thing is, I spend too much time doing nothing recently. I guess since I am out of my period my depression is slowly going away. I am not really depress ok, nor do I have depression. I just felt a little low during the days I have my period. Maybe that is why I was craving for sweets and stuff.

So have you heard? I have made my final decision! I WILL NOT BECOME A NURSE. I mean, it's not for me. I am not a people person. I would rather be left alone, and leave people alone. I have been in a hospital, and I can't do what they do. I imagine myself in their position, working with me while I was in the hospital. I was a whiner, and I still would whine all the time! I don't even remember how many times I pressed the nurse button just to ask for an apple juice or ice. Hehehe :) You have to understand, that was all I could eat and drink. Even though I was on normal diet at the hospital i can't eat it. My mouth and stomach can't handle it for the first few days.

My salute to the people who want to be a nurse, but my goals are Biologist, MicroBiologist and Physicist. General courses, no majors, just for my brain. But if you are asking how will I make money, I will be a researcher with a business on the side. :)

My life is only complete when I marry my papi and have babies of my own. The rest are trivial. So, for the moment, the goal is to be healthy, stay healthy and be Flare up free... :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lupus is a girl!

I just realize that Lupus is girl. 
Why do I think it is a girl? isn't it obvious? It's affected by hormones, which makes it Hormonal (LOL) and has it's ups and downs (Flares). And it mostly attack women. Also, like any other woman, it can't be controlled other than itself. :)

Just a few analogies that I can't think of. I am still in my way in accepting Lupus in my life. It just came to me all too sudden at the peak of my womanhood. This is how I cope, with humor and weird quirky analogies.

I'm bored, still haven't done my readings... I am thinking of not thinking about Lupus, then maybe it will stop existing. I forgot what it is called in Logic. Oh well, another day... another day...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

i need more time...

I am a slacker, and i think I always need more time for everything. But I just realize that I don't actually need time, I just need to adjust more on my time thing. :) So here I go to adjusting and time management.

Soon, I will really start to do my research. I don't want my blog to just be completely ignored and just left out.  I want this disease and what I am dealing with be well know. I may look OK, but I am not.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Another frustration - part 2

I can't get or even be seen by a financial agent because I do not have an i.d. I guess it's the world conspiring. Following up on all the things I have been slacking on. It's just hard for a slacker like me. :) but then, I need these stuff. It's important for me anyway. Oh well, c'est la vie...

**edit: thugs to things "i think that is why I have so many views! LOL**

p.s. still haven't got time to go to the DMV.. maybe Monday.. :)

Frustrations - part 1

I know I have been slacking writing in my blog. I haven't been feeling good lately. Frustration after frustration comes.

I got my skin biopsy result last Monday. I don't know wether to take it as a good news or a bad news. I wanna look at it this way. The good news is I don't have discoid lupus (skin lupus). The bad news is I got something that is almost the same thing as lupus, psoriasis.

I haven't actually read anything about psoriasis so I don't actually know what I am dealing with. So I need to research about it too.

Speaking of research, I have been slacking on my research too. I want to do all this research so I will know more about what I have. But all I am able to read are also exactly what my doctors told me. What I already know. Which sucks. I want to read something new. I want to read advancement in this disease that I have. I know it's not deadly if well maintained but to have something that is not curable is like holding a bubble in your hand and trying not to pop it. Which eventually happens anyway. I feel fragile. I don't want to feel breakable.

I always thought I was immortal. Or at least I hope that I am. I want to try everything. I don't want to be held back just because I have lupus. But I have to for the moment. I have to wait. I have to get healthier. How long will it take? I don't know. With this "flare up" disease, I don't even know when or what will happen the next time I will get it.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sleep Deprived. Part 2

Still not able to get a straight sleep of at least 6 hours. Still wakes up in the middle of the night and awake for at least 2 or 3 hours after. Still waking up at the same time though. I think it is because I took a nap or something in the middle of the day. I am thinking of trying this, sleep if you can thing.

I don't exactly know what it is called, but one of my classmate some semesters ago is doing it. He sleeps anywhere, anytime, if he can. Like you I saw him sleeping for a good 10 minutes in class. But in total, he would only sleep like 3 hours a day. it's like he has a power nap all the time that keeps he alert and awake. But I don't think I would be that intense. I still try to go back to sleep every time i wake up. But then sometimes I would think of something to do that I forgot or would like to see. I blame Facebook for being sleep deprived! LOL

I would try to discuss it my doctor when I see her again.

Also, I took 25mg of Prednisone today, some of my joints, which don't hurt even when I have my Lupus flare up, are hurting. And I think it's because I went from a 30 to 25 mg in 2 weeks, and 25 to 20 in a week. I don't know for sure, but I am hurting. And since my doctor told me that if I am not feeling well about I just raise it back to what it was. So, i only have been drinking 20mg for 3 or 4 days. Sucks. I would really like to be out of the steroid pill. It's a bit hard to be weaned down from it. But then that is the only thing that's actually controlling my skin rashes and joint pain. Noticed too, that I have been eating a lot, so I am trying to control that... hehehe

So far, and as far as I am concerned. I think I am getting good health. :) so thank God!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

My First - 10 Things I am Thankful For...

All the time I complain about a lot of things, and I forgot to thank about things I should thank about. So I decided to make a list of things I should thank about every Friday. :)


  1. I am thankful for the doctors and nurses at the LAC-USC Medical center for giving me the best experience during my medical appointments.
  2. I am thankful for my baby, Omar, who goes with me all the time to my medical appointments, most specially when I forgot my medicine. He took it to downtown so I could drink it on time.
  3. I am thankful for my mom, who arrived yesterday, safe and sound. She said she will take care of me.
  4. I am thankful for the belly pain that happened, because of you I now have the best medical insurance that anyone could have in the Los Angeles City.
  5. I am thankful for my housemates for waking me up every time I have an appointment.
  6. I am thankful for the bus and train drivers that drove me safely to my destinations.
  7. I am thankful for my boss, who is understanding and gives me time for my appointments.
  8. I am thankful for my dad, who gives me support and help, financially. I love papa!
  9. I am thankful for my brother and sister, for sometimes helping me with the housework.
  10. I am thankful for our friend, Adrian, for feeding us all the time.
For the first every 10 things I am thankful for...  this is something I will do every Friday. :) will blog about something else later...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sleep deprived...

So these past few days, I have been sleep deprived... I only sleep for four hours and wakes up. Feels refreshed and normal... It's weird.. I love to sleep. I guess my body, with all the pills and medications that I have been drinking my body got too much energy stored.

The thing is, my brain isn't catching up with my body... It still needs more sleep. So I have noticed. I've been forgetful this week. I even forgot my medication yesterday! ;(

Right now, I have been trying to go to sleep normally. I try to make myself tired to be able to go to sleep for at least longer than 6 hours. Alas, to no avail, I woke up at 2 am today and fell back to sleep around 4. Woke up at 6:10 to get ready for my medical appointment...

It's almost 12pm now... I'm so sleepy... Will go sleep maybe...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thank God for Blogger App!

I'm right here, right now at my doctor's appointment. They need to do a TB test on my just to make sure that the symptoms I have are not from tb. Since most of my complications are not of the normal lupus kind.

Example? I have ascetis. Means I got fluid in the sac that surrounds my stomach, liver, intestines, etc. While the most common kind for people with lupus is having fluid in the sac that surrounds the heart. So what if my complications are different?!? It is way safer and less painful than the one that lupus patients normally have.

Also, they are figuring out if I only have systemic lupus. Remember a week ago I had skin biopsy. They are thinking of psoriasis or discoid lupus. So hopefully that ends well for me. Will be coming back Monday, October 17, so they could remove the thread from my back. It's healing so it's itchy and annoying...

It's 7:51. My appointment is at 8. Think I will be sleeping for a few minutes on the office today. I woke up at 4:30. I think I'm getting a sleep disorder because of the medication that I'm taking. Oh well, whatever that makes me better.

@ LAC-USC Medical Center

Monday, October 10, 2011


I haven't even done or read anything yet. I just have them printed out and ready to be highlighted. I am lagging it. I guess I too lazy. Hahaha

I have a doctor's appointment tom. They need to put a TB test, so they could determine that my skin rashes and stuff are not because I have tuberculosis, that it is Lupus. Maybe they are just making sure that I am not sick or anything. :)

I have to wake up early tomorrow. :) So I could go to the doctor and be there at 8:30. Will be eating Popeye's tomorrow!! Wohoo!! They have one by the hospital that's why. Hehehe.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lazy Weekend..

It's not all the time that I get something to share. Like yesterday. There is nothing really important yesterday. Just a lazy Saturday in Los Angeles. I have good news though. Yesterday I started taking 25mg of Prednisone. My doctors are starting to wean me down on the steroids. But they put me on a medicine that I can't be pregnant while taking it. They advise me to let them first figure out what I have, make sure that it is Lupus. If they know what they are dealing with it would be better for me.

They decided that it is better to put me in contraceptive, so right now I am still figuring out what kind I would like to try. I think I would rather try the pill, since it is daily, and I am not sure when my next period will be. I am not really comfortable in putting in something in there, and then it has to stay there (?!?) So maybe the patch... Maybe the pill. Definitely not depo-provera or lunelle, since it actually stops you from having periods, and makes you gain weight too! Knowing me, I will probably gain weight and be like a TON!!! Oh well, all these will be discussed once I am with the gynecologist. :)

If you have any questions, comments and well wishes, don't hesitate to comment below. :)


Friday, October 7, 2011

First Doc Appointment

I was able to meet former President Marcos' doctor yesterday! He's a tiny little Filipino guy, I forgot his name, but I will take a not of it next time.

Well, I saw my doctor yesterday. She is really very accommodating regarding my questions, and does seems a little concern on my health. Not all doctor radiates concern. Maybe it her eyes. Its very gentle. :) My boyfriend even wan't to even ask her of her number. Hehehe! She is very pretty.

So they are putting me on medication that I can't have a baby or else it will be very dangerous for me and the baby. They have to put me on contraceptives just to make sure. So I am researching on contraceptives and see what I should get. If you have any suggestions, you could comment down there. I don't want to take depo ok? It will make me fat, and will make my period stop from coming. I don't want to mess up my cycle like that.

Will start my new research on my meds and stuff... :) i need to know what I have, and what I need to be healthy. I need to know what they are giving me, and need to know more about the possible side effects of the medicines.

Oh well, that is life. :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rain Pain. :(

It's cold today in Los Angeles. And my belly is hurting. I am not sure that there is a connection but I think the puncture that I have on my belly, when they drained the fluid out, is hurting me a little. It might be healing but it is like poking me right now. :( But not a lot, bearable. Hohumm.. So many things I don't understand, so many things to learn. And I need to learn them fast too!

Living life is hard already. Living life with Lupus, is harder. So be thankful y'all! Because you are well and fine. I am thankful because even though I have lupus, I am ok, and will be ok! :D

It's cold out there, bundle up and make sure you keep yourselves warm! HAPPY HUMP DAY!
Doc's appointment in LAC-USC tomorrow. Wonder how long they will be keeping me there. Sucks! I think I will be getting more tests again... Sheeshh!! When will be the blood and urine taking stop!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I think I becoming a MUTANT!!

Or it could only also be the affects of steroids in my body.. hehehe
I didn't mean that I became stronger, but maybe, since I am on steroids, the pains are not felt a lot. It's nice to be back to my normal self again. :)
Thank you for my loving friends who worries about. I am fine, and I will be fine...

Busy busy Monday

It was a very busy, busy Monday.

I had my first appointment today... I went to the Los Angeles County - Edward R Roybal Comprehensive Health Clinic. So many first time thing to do. And they didn't even have my appointment on the computer! Ugh! I have to go to a lot of different rooms, wait for minutes and go come in and back to different rooms. I was there around 7:40 and when I was seen by the doctor it was already almost 11 am.

I went in for a skin biopsy, they wanted to know if the things I have on my skin is also a type of lupus, Discoid Lupus. So hopefully, it's just some allergic reaction to whatever not another kind of Lupus. Oh well, it's better to know about what I have than not to know anything about it.

Educate self, learn and move on...

That is what I am doing... I need to learn more about what I have then maybe I could live life according to me, not according to Lupus. :) Life is hard, but life is boring if there are no challenges. This is my challenge and cross to bear. Live life and move on... My goal is just to be healthy, when all the water in my belly is gone, I will be back in my bike again... :D

Oh, last complaint for the day... They wanted to take blood samples so they could test me for syphilis and stuff like that, so she did put the needle in my elbow pit and MISSED MY EFFIN VEIN!! I already told her my vein is still swollen from the time I was in the county hospital. So she moved the needle around. It hurts!!! I got a bruised over a bruise... Sheesh! Very incompetent. I thought they were suppose to be very good. She wasn't. Thumbs down on that part!!!

I applied for ORSA today. It's a health plan for people of Los Angeles County. I applied, and I got approved! I have free outpatient visits until next year!! YEY!!

It's 1 am... gtg sleep, will see what will happen tomorrow. By the way, I got a new perscription too, an ointment for the skin stuff I have... 2 times a day, until Friday. hmmm... Good Luck with that.

Here are pictures of my skin before the biopsy, and the suture I have. No shower for me for a day... :(
This is the rash on my back

This is the sutures after they punched a hole through my skin. That's what my boyfriend said it look liked. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I'm nervous...

I am going to have a skin biopsy tomorrow, due to some rashes on my skin since I got the Lupus. I wonder what kind of meds the dermatologist will be giving me again...

Hohummm... I need to be really careful. This Lupus thing is manageable. I could survive, live life to the fullest. Have the family I want.

 I need to get better... I will get better!!!

Over and Underactive...

According to what I have read, from the Lupus Foundation of America website. Lupus is not like or related to HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) or AIDS. In AIDS and HIV the immune system is UNDERACTIVE, while in Lupus the immune system is OVERACTIVE.

According to

Immune dysfunction classically comes in two types:
  • Underactive, weakened immune function, or immunodeficiency.
  • Overactive function, autoimmunity or autoimmmune disease

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking???"

Maybe, there is a cure for AIDS and HIV. Maybe, it is through other people's disease. Maybe, Lupus, if only known how people acquire it, might be the solution for AIDS and HIV. But then, it's kinda hard to think that I would like to have AIDS than to keep having Lupus. So maybe, its only one way around.

I would like to think that someday Lupus could be the cure for AIDS. :) Imagine how many Africans out there who has the disease since they were babies. So hopefully, we soon will get a better understanding of LUPUS, then maybe, it could be a way to save other people's lives... :D

"If you have more than you need, please visit Donate and make this disease known which affects 5 million people through out the world!"


I'm starting my own research... LUPUS

I am a scientist. :) LOL. And the best way for me to understand things is to read and experiment about them. But since in the matter I can't experiment. I think it would be better if I just do a research for better understand of this matter. Casually of course, so I would be able to understand more about what I am dealing with, and what I should be looking out, forward and to.

Wish me lots of luck!! :D

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bowel... Moving!! and Fast!!

I was scared some days ago since I haven't been going to the bathroom regularly. I specially take note of whatever that is happening in my abdominal region recently, like since a week ago, since I have some liquids drain from it due to ascites. It was the most painful procedure that was ever done to me! Although there is localized anesthesia, you still can feel the needles.. Yes! NEEDLES!! I can still feel being poked inside!! It was painful!!!

Well, whatever right, so I am scared and what do I do when I am scared or nervous? Comfort food... and I have been craving for ice cream, asked my papi to buy me a dulce de leche flavored ice cream and sooner or later!! Voila! Poop!! Lol (TMI?!? maybe) For someone who just suffered so much pain because of her abdominal region, movement there is crucial. I need less pressure there. I still think I have water roaming around in there so I still have a little pressure there. hooooh!!! it was fun! running in and out of the bathroom again! hehehe

I got my ice cream. I got my bowels moving. This was a good day! :)

References/Links Used:

Friday, September 30, 2011

Good days are here.. Part 2

If you have been reading my blog, or just crossed it sometime... There was this part when I thought that that the "good days" are here... by just drinking pain relievers in the morning, like Aleve or Tylenol, for my arthritis. Unfortunately, I was wrong.


Since I've drank steroids, Prednisone, I have been allergic to Aleve. I feel little ants crawling up my leg but in a bit painful way. A little like, maybe, restless leg syndrome (!?!). I'm not sure. It was annoying, painful and I wanna scratch it but it seems so much under the skin. So, Aleve for my arthritis is not an option anymore... :(

One drug down.


So since I can't tale Aleve, the other pain reliever that I want to take or the only thing that I like was Tylenol. I really like acetaminophen compared to ibuprofen, it works better for me. I even saw on the news at least only a month ago, that compared to other pain relievers, Tylenol or acetaminophen has less damaging effect to people who are pregnant or who want to be pregnant. And if you are a girl, this is important.

So, I thought I made the right decision. So, I thought I was being smart about this. I was wrong.

I wasn't addicted to the pain relievers. Because, when there are days that I don't feel pain, I don't take it. But it was the effect of the pain reliever and an empty stomach that got me. Not only do I have Lupus, I also have GERD. Its Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, it's like heartburn but in the very worst of it. I also drink coffee in the morning, regularly. Just a cup, nothing more. But those were a bit of a NO NO.

Those doesn't cause Ascites though, which was the reason for my 1 week hospital hopping. I still need to find out how I had that. But at least, because of the GERD, I am now getting checked and have a primary doctor. Will be in touch with them soon. :)

"So, no more pain relievers for me, I can't have them since I am back on Prendnisone. I am taking 30 mg daily, unlike before which are like 10 only... sucks, they have to wean me down or else my body might go into some other kind of shock which is very dangerous. I hate being sick. So everyone else, take care OK? It's hard being sick."

i still need a title...

Although I am a bit of a scatter brain regarding this blog. I was thinking of slowly easing it out to something about my life and lupus. But still, I want this not be taken over by my Lupus stories and stuff and i would also like to have it more about my life in general. I have Lupus, but it won't take the best part of my life, living, away from me.

I have am in no grave danger as long as I am in my medications and been seeing the doctor regularly, which is very important you people!!! Don't take your medical appointments for granted!!!!!!! I did, and I felt the most horrendous pain in my entire life ever! for a freaking week!!!! So, be careful out there...


"I will be doing some research regarding my medicines so I would know more about it. Like side effects and what they were really made for... so maybe this will be more educational for all of us reading my blog. I am so happy that I am actually having traffic on my blog, it might still be less than 20 but traffic is traffic. As I have told my friend, Steph, baby steps... "

Thursday, September 29, 2011

maybe i will just change the title of this blog or at least the description. it's kinda hard letting go of something you come back to every now and then when you need a way out... :D

it's not always good to end...

I think I will be changing the description of my blog pretty soon... for right now, I have something more important than the randomness in my blog.

I have Lupus, and its very important to approach this matter head on. I just realize that not a lot of people know about Lupus. Yesterday, I went back to work. I told some people that I have Lupus, most of them would reply what is that? What kind of disease is that?

I think now I know my purpose, God doesn't give us problems we couldn't handle. He gave this to me because I am strong and I could do something better about this. I think I have this blog, and this ability to write (even with a few grammatical errors) to let a whole lot people, of my generation, that there is some disease called Lupus, which is weird and doesn't even have a cure, or known cause why people have it.

For a disease to be so unknown, means its getting a little help. But this is real, this affects a lot of women... it is affecting me and it might affect you.

I'm sorry, but maybe this random blog needs to end, and my Journey with Lupus will begin...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's hard...

I think my poor eyesight is getting worse by the minute because of all this medicine and side-effects it cause. I can't see that much anymore. I mean, I do have poor eyesight, but this hasn't been this bad before. Need to have my eyes checked again.

My poor arms are still sore from all the blood samples they have to take from the 3 different hospitals I was in. Not only did it suffer almost every hours of blood pressure check-ups and heart monitor clips on my finger, it's bruised and have lots of puncture marks. I look like an effin addict. And on both inner elbow pit. (I searched what it is called without going scientific and it is called an "elbow pit", according to

Since I have been back from the hospital I sense a weird cramping my by knee pit. If I try to walk a little bit faster, it locks it self and I feel cramped. But it will be gone in a few seconds. It's so weird. I think I need to talk to my doctor about it. Maybe, its a weird side-effect of one of the medicine I am taking. Huff... I'm  tired... :( I need to go to sleep. No energy yet. And I still have that weird taste in my mouth that I had when I was in the hospital. I hope it's not something really bad.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lupus and Me... yes me...

Hi, I am Joan Paula Ocol-Abella. I am 27 years old. I have been divorced for 3 to 4 years now. And I have Lupus.

I think I should write that every time, what do you think? I should I should own it. Remember that I do have it and it will be a long way and struggle to be better. I have lupus, lupus doesn't have me. OK, I might have gotten that from some cancer survival thing from long time ago, but whatever keeps me going right? Support guys. :)

First, this is what you need to know about Lupus. It is an autoimmune disease which no one knows why it happens to certain people, and how to end it.

Second, there are different kinds of Lupus, some minor or mild, some very aggressive and makes a lot of people very sick. I unfortunately, have the most common kind but if not followed up or treated right could make me end up in a very bad state. I have, wait for it, Systemic Lupus Erthematosus (SLE).

So, who does actually have Lupus? I know no one in my family having it. As I have researched before, here are the most common people who could have Lupus:

  • women
  • ages 25 - 40
  • asian, hispanic, african american
And I was like, "WHAT THE HECK?!? Is this disease targeting on me or what?"

this is what it said according to 
Anyone can get lupus. About 9 out of 10 adults with lupus are women ages 15 to 45. African-American women are three times more likely to get lupus than white women. Lupus is also more common in Latina, Asian, and Native American women. Men are at a higher risk before puberty and after age 50. Despite an increase in lupus in men in these age groups, two-thirds of the people who have lupus before puberty and after age 50 are women.
So dear women of the world, be careful. You may think you are very healthy but is not. 

Unlike other people, I have only been recently diagnosed with Lupus. Some people who had suffered great pain as they were growing up because of this disease have been living a normal life now, most probably. You see, Lupus is and will always be there, I was just diagnosed later or my "Flare ups" came in a little late. Maybe its the stress, maybe its the change of conditions in my surroundings. For the past year, there has been a lot of changes in my life, some good, some bad but it's a change. I think Lupus was my body's response to this change that this change is wrong for me.

I am Joan Paula Ocol-Abella, I am 27 years old. I have Lupus at the peak of my life.



Monday, August 1, 2011

Good days are here...

I guess I just have to drink pain relievers every morning...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

still have arthritis...

I still have arthritis today, but it's more bearable than yesterday. I don't even have to drink pain relievers today. I tweet about this all the time, that yesterday, someone replied to my tweet about using Glutathione for my arthritis. Maybe I will give it a try but I have a lot of research to do before I actually try it. I don't want to make myself worst by just popping a pill without knowing. I learned from my Aleve experience. It was so painful, I don't even know what was wrong with me. I went to the emergency room for that. I even have to miss work!! UGH. I paid for not reading the disclaimers. Which I usually do.

Oh well, another day... maybe tomorrow I won't have arthritis.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Worse than yesterday...

Today is worse that what i have been feeling yesterday. I don't think i can even type properly. It hurts my fingers so much. I think i need to sleep in a temperature controlled room. The cold and the hot is not doing my arthritis any better. I think i am pregnant too.. but then, i always think about that all the time. LOL. Maybe, I'm about to have my period. Lupus is very hormonal too. The closer i get to my period, the worst or best i feel. Last time it was the best time, i feel no arthritis or what-so-ever.
I wish i will be better...I have really painful arthritis today. I took pain reliever (Tylenol) i get allergies from aleve since i drank steroids...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

today... 07/26/2011

Unfortunately, today is not different from yesterday. I have this nagging feeling to cry, curl up in the corner and let the earth swallow me whole. But I, myself can't do that. I am to proud to cry at work. And i know the earth can't swallow me whole, it could only make me decompose slowly.

My hands and elbows still hurt.
I have new sores on my skin, it's not that bad, i put cortisone cream on it.
My face doesn't show new rashes building, but i keep scratching the scabs behind my ear (i need to learn to stop myself from doing that)
my nails aren't getting any better
i feel a few pain on my kidney or uterus, i thing i need to have myself a urinalysis just to be on the safe side.

oh well, lupus, i have you not you have me. Which means without me, you don't exist. i',m stronger than you.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Sometimes, I close my eyes, hope everything will be fine when i opened them. But that never happens.
I screw up. That's it. And that will be the start of the story...

I have Lupus. I am sick, but I am strong. I can do this.

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's been a while...

It has been a while since the last time I wrote in this blog. Sometimes I tend to be  to preoccupied by tweeting. It's easier, less time consuming and just random. But then I realize, blog tells a story. A continues train of thought, not just random ramblings. I need more time to focus my thought. I need time for me.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I'm a little sick with an incurable disease right? Lupus, in case you forgot.

But, of course for every bad Karma you have, there will always be a counter Karma. Well, I guess they were right! I won a $10 on a scratcher, which of course, I used to buy another one, where this time, I won $100!! :) Of course, I can't be luckier than that right. It stopped. But I think I will be winning more. I hope!! I hope to win the lottery!!!!! Cross your fingers!!

My Very First Credit Card...

I have a very bad credit that I need to have a cosigner on my new credit card. And yes, this is the first credit card I ever have under my name. So, how I have bad credit you may ask? It's a long story about my past and I don't want to talk about it, so beat it!

Well, I went to a place called La Curacao and tried to apply for credit. I have to have a cosigner who has an account with them so I could get a credit. Well, luckily, I was with one at that time. I have been wanting to buy a camera so bad for the past few months now, but somehow I never actually have a chance of saving enough money to buy me one. Well, since I was there, I dared apply. Got credit for $500. Sad thing is, the camera I wanted is $700. But, I have this very bad habit of having to buy something if I spend so much time in a store. I do wanted to have a DSLR, my new pic for the moment is Nikon D3100, but settled for a much cheaper, point-and-shoot camera, a Nikon Coolpix L120. I mean, of course there will be a huge difference, but for, I am ok with this one. And it's cheap enough for me to be able to pay it very fast.

So, I guess this is the time I tell you that I will be taking more photos of place where I live, and go to work or something like that. I am not a very vain person so I don't usually take pictures of other people or places. Unless, I feel extra pretty that day. Will be joining the band wagon of taking pics of everything. And hopefully, someone will like them. :) hehehe

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I got it all wrong...

I just found out a few weeks ago that my body is not telling me I'm fat. It's more like telling me "you have a problem going on here, you should go have it checked." 

After almost a month of having a rashes on my face, I finally got fed up of the none working hydro cortisone cream that I have been using. And my carpal tunnel syndrome that never got better no matter how many splints i wear it still not getting better. So, I had the courage and money to actually see a doctor and know what it is.

The first doctor I went to is actually kinda of a d*ck. He just looked at me and said I can't do anything about you, I think you have Lupus but I have to make tests. He called his laboratory and asked how much its gonna be for the test he will need me to put through. Costs will be $500!!! I mean what??? What kind of tests do I have to take?? But he was kind enough to give his consultation fee back and told me to try the County Hospital, they maybe could give me insurance, since I have none.

So, after some research, I was able to find a clinic a few blocks away from our house. They have really bad reviews but I have no choice. All I want is to be able to see a doctor who will try to treat me and get me laboratory test in a much cheaper price. Their consultation fee is only $40 flat so might as well. With $300 in my pocket and my boyfriend in my arm I went.

I went to Allied Medical Clinic. I already expect the worst, since they have bad reviews but actually they are not as bad as what people write. The only downside is there is only 1 doctor a day and so as you can imagine the waiting time is a but lengthy. After almost an hour and a half I was able to see a doctor. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch the doctor's name. They do not have those name plates in front of their tables, since he only is a Saturday doctor. And, my god! He was wearing a Hawaiian Shirt! I mean, he lost all his credibility after all the name plate and shirt thing. So he opened this big book of his comparing what I have with all the pictures and stuff. He did that for at least 15 minutes going back and forth to Psoriasis and Lupus. He can't seem to see the difference, hence, the lab exams. I had a complete blood count, an ANA1 and SED2 test. With already 2 common symptoms present, Malar rash and Arthritis, a blood confirmation is used. From a $500 laboratory and $50 consultation fee from the first doctor, the day's total for seeing the doctor and get 3 test is... tada!!! $125. Very cheap. So what if I waited for almost 2 hours right?

I got my results 4 business days after. It was positive for ANA. Which is usually the main test they give to patients if the doctors think of a possible Lupus Patient. I had my period during the time I went for the result, so I wasn't able to get a Urinalysis. During this time, the rashes on my face seems it is healing up.  He took note of this rapid change considering I am on my period and my face rash looks like it's going away. This is the 3rd doctor I have seen so far and 2nd from the clinic. After 2 weeks, on a Saturday, I went again and saw a 4th doctor and the 3rd from the clinic. I told her that my face rashes looks like it's coming back after my period ended. She looked at my charts and said I definitely have Lupus, and she would like to give me steroids so that the inflammation would stop. I had steroid and pain shots on my lower back side, where the "hips" are. Hurts like crazy! I still had a few pains when I woke up the next day but more or less functioning. I started the steroid pills that day, Sunday. And Monday morning was a miracle. I could not feel the shoulder pain that used to wake me up at night. My fingers do not hurt a lot, although I still can't close it tight. Independence!!! How I miss you...

So here I am, writing, drinking steroids almost every 4 hours. Almost back to my independent self. The steroids for sure stopped the inflammation of my joints (arthritis) and soon, I hope, I will not have to drink it ever again. As soon as I got my face rash cleared out. I am quitting that stuff.. :)

References/Additional Information:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

From her body to jocx: "hey you! You're FAT!" PART 1 - Joint Pain

So after having the annoying itchy allergy, I also have joint pain. It first started on my right hand. Just a little bit numb. I thought I slept on it overnight, and my arm fell "asleep". But the following week, my right and left hand are both hurting, and I can't even grab or pull up  my pants. It hurts a lot. I can't bend my  fingers.

Since arthritis runs in our family, and it could happen at a very young age, I assumed it arthritis. During the first occurrence, the weather is a bit chilly, so there is a possibility. I put Vanishing Scent BENGAY® Gel since I don't want to smell like that all day, pray it works and went to work. As the day progress, the pain in my hands minimize but it's still there. When I go to sleep and wake up the next day, same pain and same numbness. And as the weather gets hotter, the pain still remains. So I thought, it has to be something else. I have been drinking a lot of water, in case it might be caused by uric acid, but no difference. The only thing that helps me every morning is when I let hot water run through my hands. I am so afraid that this day might come, but it did. I think I have CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME.

For you who think that this is not a big deal, IT IS A BIG DEAL! I work using a computer, I take notes using a computer, I play games on my computer. And I have taken a great deal of taking care of my workplace so as not to have carpal tunnel syndrome. I am not much of a techie but I rely on my computer, A LOT. And the thing is, I do not know what to do. I bought a brace that should immobilize my wrist at night, but the same thing, every morning, pain and numbness. Although I am thankful that it doesn't progress, I do wish it will be gone. It hurts getting dressed every morning. I feel so useless. It takes me at least 2 minutes just to put on my underwear, and don't let me start talking about my pants.. God!! Why did then invent pencil cut pants AKA Skinny Jeans.. LOL

I am going to visit a doctor soon about this. When I have money.. Sheesh! I need to ask my dad to pay for the initial payment so I could get myself insurance. I can't go on like this. I have to adapt and accept that I am in America, and need insurance like the rest. Grrrr.. Another bill... But hey! it's for the better..

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

From her body to jocx: "hey you! You're FAT!" PART 1 - Allergies

I think my body is telling me I'm fat. Because

I mean I don't feel it, I still could walk and run (a little). But I have been hurting for 2 weeks now and tried all the home remedy I could do. You see... I am really out of shape, and I got allergies I never had before. Or if I do and don't know about it, it is much worst now that it ever was. I have red, itchy scabbing marks on my face. It looks like from chafing but how could that be??? ON MY FACE??

Well, since I have it on my head/scalp I blame it on the shampoo or conditioner I was using at that moment... SO, I changed it a very expesive (not really worth it) shampoo - Burt's Bees Very Volumizing Pomegranate & Soy Shampoo & Burt's Bees Very Volumizing Pomegranate & Soy Conditioner - and since my face is also affected I decided to buy another product with the same name as my shampoo - Burt's Bees Peach and Willowbark Deep Pore Scrub.

Why Burt's Bees you ask? Because I have done my research, on what usually cause allergies that looks like mine. My allergies is called "Contact Dermatitis", it's when my skin get inflamed by something it has touched  (duh! that's why it's called contact dermatitis). It usually comes from detergents and soaps, so since my main culprit is my shampoo or conditioner, I searched. I found out about something called sodium laureth sulfate (SLS), which is used in shampoo, detergents and stuff like that to make it bubbly. It's not really that bad but if you skin is sensitive, like mine, allergies are bound to happen. So far, Burt's Bees is the only readily available for purchase at any Walgreens, CVS, Target, etc. near you, that doesn't have SLS. I am in search for another, and I have found out that conditioners doesn't have SLS but a lot of chemicals compared to shampoo. Maybe one day I will just make my own shampoo and conditioner...

I am also using Alum once in a while, since it could heal scratches and cuts faster since it's a blood coagulant. Anyway, I use it all the time for my armpits. I bought it from one of those Aztec Medicine People in Alvardo (90057) and he told me I need to use this certain kind of soap will help my skin, and also drink this certain tea that will help me cleanse my blood. Although the soap itself might be doing the trick on clearing my skin, it called Rattlesnake Soap or Jabon de Vivora, which is mainly used to clear up acne, its working, so I don't care what it is made of. So I went to the site and found out I need to put the soap and make a thick lather out of it and keep it on my face for 10 minutes, haven't been doing that so maybe I should try to do it later tonight.

I am still in search of a non-greasy, alcohol-free moisturizer for my face. I am currently using Lubriderm Intense Skin Repair Calming Relief Lotion on my face, it's the only thing that make it less itchy so I don't have to keep putting hyrdocortisone cream on my allergies all day, but it is very heavy on the skin. But it will do, for now...

And so, I think my skin is on its way to recovery, as long as I don't scratch it. Maybe because I am giving importance to it, unlike before where I just wash it with whatever I could grab. It's just so hard to do when you do not really have time and just wants to go to bed as soon as you get home... but I just have to make time.

Friday, March 25, 2011


I do know that i have all the time in the world, I just love to procrastinate a lot.
Now, it's actually catching up on me. I am so stressed. LOL
Of what? of everything!!!!

any ideas you could give me?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

BlogWorld Expo Leaves Las Vegas For LA « CBS Los Angeles

BlogWorld Expo Leaves Las Vegas For LA « CBS Los Angeles

Do you think i could be part of this even though I am just new and trying this blog thing out??
I have been MIA for a few days now, still adjusting to the schedule since Spring semester just started.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


If there are 14 people who has viewed my page and i only have 1 page view... isn't that weird?
I know I suck at math but I don't think that adds up...

I won!!!

Me and my Baby usually have random fights because we always try to outsmart each other. I usually end up losing and angry... **I am such a sore loser** But yesterday was my glowing moment...

O: I'm so awesome I'm going to have an alienware laptop!!!
J: I'm so awesome I have the Samsung Tab and I'm going to have an alienware laptop!!
O: Oh yeah? I'm so awesome I have the Galaxy S phone, a huge HDTV and an HDMI DVD Player and an Alienware laptop!!!
J: Oh yeah? I'm more awesome coz I have all of that coz I have you!
O: **smile** that's good!

It's not that hard to be cheesy... lol

6 more days till Valentines Day!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

A quick reminder from Frank...

I forgot that since my inspiration for actually writing a blog is from a movie based on blogging about cooking. Maybe, I should write some stuff about cooking sometime... :)

Thanks Frank for reminding me about it...

Up next (like tomorrow or the day after) my very first Meatloaf from a recipe from

I miss...

I don't know exactly when it was but I think it was last Saturday, Philippine time, that I miss what would have been the most spectacular thing I would have seen after 10 years!!! It was our homecoming for Old Girls of Assumption-Antipolo. I miss that place. :( unfortunately, like some other people including my teachers from long ago, we are on the other part of the world. Maybe a few years from now, I will be home for a reunion again, even for a small one.

Go Batch '01

I will try not to miss another one!! :)

video taken from bbatayde's channel on YouTube

Weekend off...

I usually do not and try as much as I can not to use the PC during the weekends.Since if I do, I usually waste precious time. And I do mean precious time. I tend not to do the things I should have done.

Weekend Recap.

Last Saturday was suppose to be our friend Adrian, last day in LA. So we ate at Sizzlers. My first time. Amazingly my first time even though I leave only a few blocks away from one. It was suppose to be the last breakfast with Adrian. He would have left for Iraq today if he only has his military ID. I don't know what happened, but we are happy to know that he has a one day extension. So he will be leaving tomorrow. I won't be able to see him since he will be staying at his mom's tonight and I have a class until 9 pm today. All I can say is, Good Luck soldier, and do not die on us!

Last Sunday is the most awaited Super Bowl XLV. That is 45 in roman numerals for those of you who do not know. :) And as my tradition for the last 2 or 3 years I have been watching the super bowl, I choose the team with the best Team Logo. And yes, I choose the Pittsburgh Steelers. Alas, they loss, 25 - 31 against the Green Bay Packers, who amazingly intercepts the ball and made touchdown.


Today is my first day of school for spring semester. Hopefully, I was able to get the right teachers, so I do not have to drop a single one of them. I am also hoping to be able to add a PE subject so I could at least be able to exercise. Since I have to, I should. LOL. Lazy fat ass to exercise. Hehehe.

That is for today. :) Maybe I will start ranting the next blog so it won't be too boring.

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's Valentines Day!!!!! Almost...

It's February. And hearts day is about to come up very soon. :)
I am not one for surprises because I hate it.
And my baby's birthday is on the 13th. Yes, day before valentines day.
With all these in mind, guess what I will do?? I will be celebrating on Saturday the 12th. It will be too crowded on 14th to go out. I can't drink on the 13th because it's a workday the next day. And I believe, unless you are proposing or something, it is nice to have a planned valentines day.

I used to hate valentines day. It's usually the day when I am left alone. I don't date anyone before. Like an old hag waiting for her prince charming that never came. Until I realize my Prince Charming is not in my home country, or the same race as I am. There is a happily ever after after all... lol.

WELL, Advance Happy Birthday Mi Amor! and Advance Happy Valentines Day too!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's a start..

I am at the 14th Floor of a Downtown LA Building.
I feel earthquakes every 10 minutes depending on how busy the shipping company upstairs is.
And regularly, if I am not doing anything, just sitting in my chair, I could feel earthquakes every 15 minutes because the foundation of the building with those roller balls that will help the building to acquire any damage when a real earthquake happens, is near a rail way station.
It's not funny... I already hate earthquakes before all this.

Note: Remember to learn how to do squirrel gliding and bring squirrel suite in office.
Might as well jump from here and survive.